Schnauzer - Commissioned Pet Portrait, Georgie Girl, Completed

Meinkismah's Georgie Girl
The portrait of the beautiful Georgie Girl is completed and will soon be hanging in Margaret's home, where it belongs. In the meantime, I will enjoy it as if it was mine.

The back is nicely finished and ready to hang.

"If there ever comes a day when we can't be together, keep me in your heart, I'll stay there forever"
Winnie the Pooh by A. A. Milne

Satin ribbon and decorative nails for the edges - custom work down to the finishing details.

Thank you Margaret for entrusting me with the portrait of your sweetheart. 

It's always a great feeling painting an animal that was so cherished and loved even after her passing.
For all the horrible stories of animal abuse and neglect, Margaret and people like her restores our faith in humanity.


Here is Georgie's portrait, where it belongs in Margaret's home. She decided to display it on a little easel amongst her cherished loved ones. Georgie is part of her family no matter what.
A lovely testimonial.
