Schnauzer-Commissioned Pet Portrait, Georgie Girl, Part III

Satisfied with the scenery in the background, I started to work on the foreground.
Many leaves were painted behind Georgie.

Now for the main subject.

A dog with a fuzzy face will often have inconsistencies in its appearance, as opposed to a short hair breed. The clipping style, the expressions as well as the ears will be different depending on the dog's mood. In Georgie's case, I want the #3 head but fully frontal and slightly lowered like #1, with the ears similar to #2. I often will ask clients to provide additional shots of their dog so I can work from an accurate image, but in Georgie's case, it's not possible. A composite of the Georgie's heads along with guidance from the owner is required.

I've done enough of Georgie's head to get some input from Margaret.
Now that I see it on the computer screen, I think her white eyebrows should be longer and fluffier.
Much more to do, but it's a start.
