BOARD'EM Fundraiser Art Show-Part V - Paint on Board

My favourite part of the work has started - adding colour. I'm using artist grade acrylic paints.

Today, I worked mostly on the head, layering, highlighting and shading.

It's not finished, but I wanted to proceed with the body to have a general sense of colour composition.

Many insects have developed fake eyes on their backs to avoid being eaten. This beetle seem to have evolved with two indentations for that purpose. If you look carefully you will see the face of a bird. This rainbow beetle comes from the tropics where colourful birds are plentiful. It may be that this beetle has mimicked their appearance to better blend in with its environment.

It's a very cloudy and rainy today and I'm loosing precious daylight, so I will call it quits. I think it's a super good start.
