Charlie and Rosco - Part II

After doing several paper sketches of the boys for practice, I sketched Charlie and Rosco on their respective canvases.

Charlie looks very regal lounging on the sofa with his fresh clip. I love the dramatic lighting.

Rosco hates to have his picture taken, always looking away seconds before Diane wants to capture him with her camera. Having photographed hundreds of dogs for Kismutt myself, I can say that some dogs are simply camera shy, others hate the flash. I'll paint Rosco looking a little more upwards so that Diane has a good record of his expressive big brown eyes.

Painting these two handsome boys is a great opportunity for a study in neutral greys. Because they will be hanging together, I want to repeat the sofa colouring for both portraits. Their turquoise dog tags will also be a nice touch of colour in both paintings.

As usual, I'll sleep on it and will start fresh on the painting tomorrow morning.
