Agatha Christie - Part IV

Sorry, Mrs. A.C. Osborn Hann, but I had to remove your name and part of the title from the book for it to be better suited to my subject. This leaves me with a nice space to write Agatha Christie's name below its new title WHAT HAPPENED.

I wanted the name and initials to be subtile and mysterious, similar to the writing on a tombstone. I transfered the letters on to the book using a graphite paper.

On the spine, the initials AC are written below WHAT HAPPENED using the same technique. I then applied two coats of varnish to set everything in place.

To fill in the letters, I used a smooth surface filler (Poly Fix) and sanded it with a super fine sand paper once it was dry. I then repainted the area using the carbon black paint.

This was a small portion of the art book, but it took me the entire day to plan and execute. I think that tomorrow I'll be able to complete Agatha Christie's portrait.
