Emily Brontë - Portrait of an Author, completed

I'm not familiar with Emily Brontë's poetry, but the only novel she wrote, Wuthering Heights, certainly left a deep impression on my romantic young brain. It is one of the finest example of gothic romance ever written. I can understand why the Twilight series is so popular amongst today's young girls, but the quality of Stephenie Meyer's writing pales in comparison. Emily died of tuberculoses (consumption) at the young age of thirty.

I wanted Emily's portrait to be dark, but warm. Although young, I wanted her to appear reflective and strong in character, mature beyond her years. I designed for her, an off-the-shoulder green dress to match what I interpreted to be her grayish-green eyes. Her copper brown hair was set in the stylish curls of the period and I gave her skin some freckles. I just felt that it was highly possible that she would have had the complexion of a red head, inherited form the Irish side of the family. Most importantly, the blooming red rose corsage near her heart symbolizes her passionate nature.


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