Astrid's Portrait - Completed

Kimono Girl and Little Dog
16" x 19" x 1 3/8"
Acrylic on Canvas
Here we are, Astrid's portrait is finished. I'm 'comfortable' with it. Venturing out of one's comfort zone involves growing and learning. I'm particularly happy with the face and hands - the kimono print, not so much. It was very challenging to combine print and pleats with light and shade, but even if I'm not 100% pleased with the fabric, I like the lively effect it creates in the composition.

Detail - hair and eye
Astrid has a full head of hair, thick and wavy which could appear too heavy in a painting so I kept it light and feathery around the edges.

Detail - hands and mouth
If you go back to previous shots, you'll see that I added two more fingers. The brain does not question the accuracy of a photograph, but when I painted the hand as it was on the photograph, it did not look quite right. Now it makes more sense.

I was very apprehensive before starting the portrait and I redid many areas, but there came a point when I just had to leave it alone, sign and date the portrait. Astrid loves it - and if she's happy, I'm happy. It hangs in her room now.
