Shelby - An Answered Prayer, part II
When I first saw Shelby, I called my daughter over and we both melted. Then my husband saw her and he melted as well, which says a lot because he's more of a cat person - writers usually are. I won't dwell on her obvious amazing cuteness, this picture says it all. But there is so much more than meets the eye. What I will share with you is Shelby's character and Judy's thoughts on her beloved little girl.
Shelby is such a complex little thing. I think of her as my Princess as she seems to be so regal most of the time. I also think of her as my special angel. She was the answer to a prayer that came right from my heart one day. I had lost my dog of many years and planned to wait a while before looking for another dog. The emptiness of a dogless house was unbearable and I said out loud “please Lord, send me a dog”. About 15 mins later I received a call about a little Yorkie needing a home. It was my Shelby, so when people asked me where I got her, I’d answer “I prayed for her”.Shelby was with me thru some serious dark times and was always my little light. She was always there to hold on to with her loving knowing deep eyes. Shelby is also amazing in that I can take her anywhere in a purse. She knows that she has to hide in it when we go someplace where dogs aren’t allowed. But other times she sits with her little head popped out and enjoys meeting people and be fawned over. She goes with me to restaurants, movie theaters, grocery stores - everywhere she’s allowed or sneaks into.After being Mommy and Shelby for several years, we started fostering rescue dogs in our home. Shelby begrudgingly shares her things with less fortunate dogs but I believe she’d be happier if it was just her. But then again, because I feel guilty about it sometimes, Shelby gets even more special days and love – she deserves it. Shelby used to visit a nursing home with me and loved it. I work at our local police station on the front desk and Shelby used to come to work with me on night shifts – she even had her own little police shirt from Build a Bear that she wore. She loved doing that and I think it was good pet therapy for the officers.
Shelby is not only the perfect constant companion to Judy, but a wonderful little pet therapist. Although she is physically tiny, she has a big presence and mature, dignified personality. We often think of little Yorkies as mere fashion accessories, but in the right person's purse, they can be so much more. The proof is Shelby.
Follow me on this little Yorkie's painting journey.
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