When painting, I work from the back to the front. Therefore, the side table was painted first, then I added the decorative elements. At the top, a little Asian keepsake box, the Baccarat candelabrum (which I'm very pleased with), two picture frames of Beauty (because Carol had mentioned that she felt she hadn't taken enough shots of her while she was alive) and a vase filled with white lilies (an appropriate symbol of spirituality, purity, modesty and majesty). For the bottom shelf, Carol made the priceless suggestion of a snow globe, because Beauty loved winter and could spend long periods of time outside in the snow. It's a little hard to see, but inside is Beauty taunting a snowman. I designed the base of the snow globe so it fits into the rest of the setting.
Almost everything painted today was done with a size #0 brush, which is great for detailing.
Tomorrow, I will do the chair.
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