Beauty, Carol's Pomeranian - Commissioned Portrait

Being the owner of two small dogs, I know that people often have the pre-conceived notion that small dogs are needy and spoiled. Perhaps it is true in some cases and it is often the fault of the owner - guilty as charged. But Beauty was every dog owner's dream. She had been left outside, tied to a doorknob with her litter of two pups. Carol's vet called her up and, sight unseen, she became Beauty's human mother. I will let Carol's words describe her Beauty.
"She was perfection... never any behavior issue, always a lady, friendly with strangers, rode well in the car, understood every word I said. She could actually smile, which was eerie but endearing. Being involved in rescue, our family often hosts a motley crew of strange pups coming in and going out. Many of them are sick, afraid, sad. Beauty was the self-appointed hostess with the mostest. She took it upon herself to greet every frightened stranger and show them around. She would stand by while they ate and drank out of her bowls and never begrudged them a thing.She would shepherd them to the dog beds and seemed pleased when they found their niche. I was so lucky to have had her in my life."
To me, that is a wealth of information and gives the inspiration needed to start Beauty's painting. Follow me on this creative journey.
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