Beauty, Carol's Pomeranian - Part II
The most important item is the piece of furniture Beauty will be sitting on because it anchors her in the composition. In this case it's an actual French antique from Louis XV's residence, Versailles. This chaise is called Petite Marquise a Gondole. It's characteristic low back
is said to have been designed for those ladies with huge bellowing dresses, permitting all that fabric to fall freely behind them when sitting. Simply perfect for Beauty, in name and in shape, befitting a regal little girl with lots of hair and an amazing feathered tail. I like combining two different prints on furniture, it will make the chaise a little more contemporary
without losing its richness.
Instead of a lamp on the side table, I chose to do this gorgeous 19th-century Baccarat candelabrum with waterfall pendants. I've never done a piece this complex, but then again, Beauty was a multi-faceted little creature and I just have to try it.
Here is a preliminary sketch of of Beauty's portrait. There will certainly be some changes here and there, but I'm pleased with the general composition and how it represents her. I then leave it alone for a while - I usually sleep on it. I know that tomorrow morning, when I get back to it, I will move things around or perhaps do another sketch.

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