Commissionned Portrait - Painting Truman/Orange Tabby

Excellent beginning on Truman's portrait. Today was a beautiful, sunny and a snow melting day, perfect for Lindsey's sunshine boy.

Initially, I thought of golden yellow for Truman's duvet, but then I realized that he wouldn't stand out so much. After all, he's the star in the painting, not the duvet. So, I used the blue in the sky instead. 

Now that I see Truman's duvet on screen, the dimpling in the fabric looks like Oskar's wrinkles. I will fix that.

I'm not quite there yet, but the famous 'M' on the foreheads of tabbies is starting to appear.

Many more layers, details, softening, blending, fuzziness and especially stripes are to come. See you in a couple of days.
