Commissioned Portrait - Painting Boji - Part IX

Another excellent day painting Boji. From black to white and hundreds of shades of brown. The base colour for his collar was added as well. The hydrangea was the inspiration for Boji's colour. The background was done with a very pale shade of purple/blue at the bottom going to white at the top. 

I designed a collar with a stylized version of the small hydrangea bloom. I wanted it to look like a fabric print as opposed to a realistic flower.

A shinny heart charm dangles from his collar.

The very important  black whiskers - what a face.

I'm almost done with Boji's portrait, but now I have to avoid looking at it. Tomorrow will be a day of corrections, touch ups and fine tuning. I always find it remarkable how many things I want to correct when I come back to the painting the next morning with fresh eyes. There are always things I did not noticed the day before because I was too focussed on one area. 
