Diva Divine Fuzzi - Part VIII

Arriving home last night from a short visit to Montreal, I picked up where I left off this morning - but not before casting my vote in our federal election. I was able to finish the embroidered crown on the back of the chaise. As usual, I will revise, correct and refine when I go back to it tomorrow morning. My orchid bloomed just in time for Fuzzi's portrait. I like to keep it close by because the pink is so intense, and there are so many different shades in the bloom that it helps to keep me on track.

I may tone down the look of Fuzzi's name in the cartouche by adding gold lamé thread to the dark pink background so that the name blends in with the whole design. I'll see how I feel tomorrow morning. Distance is always good.

Tomorrow, Fuzzi will be my main focus. I'll start building up the layers to create her soft, cloud-like coat.

Fuzzi Vignette:

Carol recounts another funny Fuzzi moment:
Fuzzi was prone to thinking she was human. She was very offended if you tried to treat her like a dog. Once we tried tying her to the outside of an iron railing at a restaurant patio and meant to eat at the table located on the other side. By the time we got to the table, which took only seconds, we found an indignant chubby Bichon wedged between the bars and restaurant patrons howling in laughter. Judy and I were mentally calculating how we would approach the restaurant owner and request that the bars be sawn apart to extricate her...Happily she was so soft and cuddly that we were able to compress her and pop her back through after some time. She was relegated to the car where she locked us out and turned on all the car lights yet again....
