Charlie and Rosco - Completed



Here we are, Charlie and Rosco have been immortalized on canvas.

When I get commissions that involve two or more dogs living under the same roof, it is most likely that the portraits will be hanging together. So I like to use the same theme or colours for the backgrounds; it makes for a nice coordination. Consider it a habit I acquired and retained from my years as a fashion designer.
The photograph used for Charlie's portrait was, to me, very "studio". Meaning that it felt like it was taken by a professional photographer, using mood lighting and set furniture. The background is kept neutral and uncluttered. In addition, the dog is perfectly positioned and is looking straight ahead. Diane took this photo of Charlie. Perhaps she has a hidden talent, maybe it was pure luck. Either, way a good shot makes my job easier.

Rosco on the other hand was a little more of a challenge. Not just because he hates to be photographed, but he is a dark-haired dog. Dark or black dogs tend to absorb the light, appearing more like ink stains in photographs. Also, when a flash is used, shiny black hair reflects light and tends to appear white. The pale areas, on the other hand, tend to be washed out. So, when I have a dog with black, grey and white hair, it makes it difficult to see the true markings. This said, I love a challenge. In these cases, I use several photographs to help me along, as well as guidance from the owner.

Charlie and Rosco's portraits will soon be hanging in Diane's home.
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