Agatha Christie - Completed

Agatha Christie's amazing popularity and long, prolific life provided loads of black and white photographs of her - understandably so. But I had trouble finding one that showed clearly the colour of her eyes. A special thank you to GKCfan from the Agatha site for answering my call for help. It was more than I could hope for and I was able to finish her portrait with a clear conscience. This profile view of Agatha Christie doesn't show much of the iris, but I like to be as accurate as possible.

She is now ready to go up for sale in my Etsy shop. My daughter once asked me how I felt about art pieces that did not sell. Of course, I would like for my art work to sell, this tells me that they strike a cord with a person and there is a common thread between me and a stranger. Humans are a social animal and connecting through art is a great way to be social. This said, all my subjects are dear to my heart and if they remain with me, in my home, I'm more than happy to have them around. Besides, I told my daughter, "...whatever doesn't sell will end up in your own private collection". She smiled.


  1. What an interesting piece. I especially like it placed on that old typewriter. Your daughter would be very lucky to have a collection of her Mother's work. I always wonder what will happen to mine.

  2. Hello Catherine,
    Thank you so much for dropping in and for your kind words.
    Au plaisir,


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