The Joy of Painting with Byron

I can't say Bob Ross's style influenced me, but he did leave some very pleasant memories. As a kid, I was completely absorbed watching his show. His soft voice, gentle and amiable persona, not to mention is amazing afro hairstyle (reminiscent of those soft and hairy clouds he did in his paintings), was perfect for a kid interested in pretty pictures. And it was all done in 1/2 an hour - very good for the short attention span of a child. His love of painting nature felt really genuine and references to happiness and friendship were constant.
What I loved the most were the little critters in his shirt pocket... sometimes a mouse, a chipmunk or a baby squirrel. Brian was reminded of Bob Ross when he saw Byron, our current foster Yorkshire puppy, snuggled in my fleece jacket while I was painting. Now, I may, at times, have a little creature tucked away while I paint and I may have frizzy hair on damp days, but my paintings take a lot more than 1/2 an hour to finish. I do wish they could fetch the same price tag as his though.
Every so often, while changing channels, I'll come upon a Bob Ross show and become completely absorbed just like when I was a kid. I always look at his shirt pocket to see if there is a little lump in it.
