Commissioned Portrait - Grandfather and His Cat, Part VI

Day one
Picking up where I left off and starting the New Year with colour on canvas.
End of day one, the painting is quite flat and dull looking, though all the elements from the sketch have been transposed on to the canvas. There will be some little changes here and there, but overall, the sketch will be my reference guide.

Pencil sketch 
Day two
Here, I mostly worked on the background: window, cat tower and golf blanket. I ended the day with some shirt definition. Working from back to front and from top to bottom. Tomorrow I'll be mostly working on the plaid shirt and armrest. Reproducing complicated elements such as a plaid shirt, I find it's better to start tackling them in the morning when I'm freshly rested. The shirt will take several days to do. Now that all the holiday distractions are over, I can concentrate on my work without any interruptions. It's been an excellent beginning.
