Victorian Style B&B and Bespoke Sign, part II

The Witchiepoo shoes have been converted into boots.

The butterfly was too big for this composition so I opted for the little Victorian boots - better suited for the 'Tim Burtonesque' style.

So, here we are, completed and hanging outside. It's not a big sign - we are not Motel 6, after all - but it's mainly for people who have previously booked a reservation. It reassures them that they are knocking on the right door. 

My handmade sign was done without the aid of a computer. Don't get me wrong, I love my iMac and adore my iPad mini, (which I refer to as 'my precious'), but for custom work, it was easier to simply use pencil and paper, paint and paint brush.

David Smith is a true master in Victorian sign-making.
 Click on his name and watch the video of the artist at work - you will be amazed.
Art for commerce, but not commercial art. 
