Homage to William Morris - My Old Buffet, part V

The hardwood floors at the Dusty Victorian are in very good shape despite their age. I wanted the floor in this painting to have the same aged warm patina.

The final touch - watch me pull three rabbits out of my Mad Hatter hat.

As I mentioned before, my guests of my imaginary tea party would be William Morris, Beatrix Potter, and Lewis Caroll. The animal present in their art work is the rabbit. I thought they would be very pleased to walk into my home and meet my pet hare named Willy, my baby wild rabbit named Bea and my white rabbit named Lew. 
William Morris' tapestry hare
Beatrix Potter's sketch of her pet rabbit Peter

Lewis Caroll's white rabbit from The Adventures of Alice in Wonderland.
When I paint, I fall down the rabbit hole and escape into a world of my own. But I identify more with the Mad Hatter than with Alice.
My husband Brian reminds me of the white rabbit.
