Japanese Plate and Everlasting Edible Flowers

  A new piece is in the works, one I started in February. 
The inspiration is this large plate, made in Japan, entitled Banko-Yaki meaning Everlasting. It was interrupted a few times for custom orders, but these interruptions offered needed breaks from trying to reproduce the intricate patterns as accurately as possible.
Although highly decorative, it’s a plate I find very useful for fruits and vegetables that don’t require refrigeration.

For this painting, I decided to feature edible flowers instead of fruits and vegetables as they wouldn’t hide the lovely patterns of the plate as much. The grass seen around the plate would also show some edible blooms such as wild violets, dandelions and clover. My lawn is very biodiverse - there are all kinds of wildlings in there - but I will limit it to the edible variety.

Below are progress shots.

The plate portion of this piece is almost done, but I need a break from it.
Working on the grass around the plate with its wild flowers will give me a different colour scheme
- a nice change.

Let’s see how this one turns out.
