February Art Challenge 2020 - Week 1

Day 1- Nail Polish Bottles
I've decided to challenge myself in producing one illustration a day for the month of February. I will time myself and try to render each piece within an hour, from direct observation - as much as possible. I will be working on watercolour paper and card stock, in small formats to help me achieve my goal. To me, it's a real challenge to work quickly as I normally spend days, weeks and months on one piece (depending on size), obsessing on minute details. This challenge will force me to be more spontaneous, use rapid sketching techniques and go for the essence of the subjects. It will be a real change of pace for me.
The twenty-nine pieces produced during this month will go on sale at the beginning of March, in my Etsy shop - studio vignette , A portion of the proceeds will be donated to the Rideau Valley Wildlife Sanctuary.

Theme: L'Art du quotidien - Everyday Art
Let's see how that goes.

Day 2
Paint Brushes in Bulb Vase
Time 1:20

Day 3
My Budgie, Mr Wallenda
Time: 55 minutes

Day 4
Blood Orange & Knife
Time: 2:03

Day 5
Time: 2:45

Day 6
Tom's Pastries
Time: 45 minutes

Day 7
Time: 1:06
