Antique Chandelier with Budgies from The Dusty Victorian

Antique Chandelier with Budgies in the English Study
8" x 10" acrylic on canvas

Few things convey glamour, nostalgia and romance in a room like a crystal chandelier. The inspiration for this painting comes from the antique light fixture hanging in the English study of our home, the Dusty Victorian. Made of brass with cut crystal shades, it sparkles nicely against the ornate ceiling. Also featured are our two lively and chatty budgies named the Flying Wallendas. Although they’re never let loose in this room, I like to pair live subjects with inanimate ones. Whether it be, animals, insects or plants, I think it adds warmth and whimsy to my work.

I'm off to Montreal until the end of this month, so am leaving you with this little vignette.
