Bill's Staffordshire Porcelain with Peonies

I'm hoping to be part of an autumn art tour here in St Marys - and to have several pieces ready for it. This would be one of them. The subject featured is a cherished vintage Staffordshire vessel fitted with a silver rim, cover and handle. It was given to me by a dear and esteemed old friend of our family who has now passed, but is remembered fondly. I filled it with fresh peonies from my garden - he would have liked that.

Knowing that it would take me a couple of weeks to complete this painting, I made sure to capture the fresh blooms with my camera. Flowers don't make good live models unless one wants a wilted scene, but even then they keep changing. What follows are progress shots.

Peonies are so full and frilly, they will take so much time to render, but it's a start.
