Gryphon, Yorkie, Part VI (Little Monkey Dog)

When Carol contacted me to do Gryphon's portrait, she mentioned something that many dog owners mention when their dog passes away, especially prematurely: "I never took many photos of Gryphon because he wasn't that photogenic and there didn't seem to be any rush since he was so young..."
Yet, with the help of her friend Judy, she did find a good amount of shots for me to work with.
The above head shot is how Carol remembers Gryphon best.

This one will be used for the body position, sitting on the ottoman. But, according to Carol, his coat appears too light in this shot so, she gave me the one below to use as reference for his coat colour.

Along with Carol's guidance, the puzzle pieces will come together nicely on canvas.

More layers of hair to be added on Gryphon tomorrow, but I need some guidance from Carol before I go any further. It was a good productive day.
