Commission - Portrait of Emily Brontë, part IV - Hair and Dress

Emily Brontë was described as having "kind, liquide eyes". I interpreted the colour as being greenish/blue,  like the sky reflecting on a lake.
Her hair was described as naturally wavy with a tendency to frizz - I certainly can relate to that. In her portrait, I kept the frizz under control, but I wanted the ringlets to be loose and natural as if the curls did not want to stay in place and under control - like her strong personality.
There’s also a mention that she had protruding front teeth which would explain the plump "kissy" lips - very trendy in this day and age. I think Emily was born ahead of her time for so many reasons.

Because she is wearing a green dress in the Pillar Portrait, I feel it might have been her favourite colour.
I added heather embroidery along the neckline. The red ribbon rose symbolizes her heart 
and passionate nature.



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