Cactus Commission - Completed

Huernia Zebrina Cactus in Metal Teapot with Zebra Finches
10" x 10" x 3/4"
Acrylic on canvas

Here we are, Janis' cactus will always be in bloom and it will always have the company of 
two little feathery busybodies.

I gathered a few feathers from my birds and chose the bottom one to add to the composition. Sometimes, adding a tiny little thing puts my mind at ease and makes it a completed work.

It can be signed.

Now for the finishing details, paper backing, ribbon, nails, hanging hardware.

Before I seal the back, I sign, date and write the title on the back canvas,

Instead of using the usual brown paper backing, for Janis' painting, I used a page from an old art book. I then stuck my labels on.

I chose an antique brown satin ribbon colour with similar-coloured decorative nails.

Voila! The painting will soon be hanging in Janis' home where it belongs.

Thank you Janis for the confidence you have in my capabilities and for your support.
Your friendship is priceless.
