Blue and White Teapot with Lilacs

Blue and White Porcelain Teapot with Lilacs
5" x 7" x 3/4"
Acrylic on Canvas

Another item from my local museum is this lovely old white and blue teapot. Its straight and angular shape gives the impression that it stands proud and dignified. Like a model wearing a couture dress printed with cobalt strawberry leaves and blooms, it strikes a pose on the windowsill of the stairwell. Bathed in sunlight, it can show off its beautiful glaze. It usually has centre stage, but one day, it was flanked by a fragrant bouquet of fresh lilacs. Competition?! “Not really, they won’t last”, the teapot  reassured herself. In my painting, the lilacs will last, but the teapot is the main feature. I never saw a mouse at the museum, but I'm sure this teapot was visited by a few mice in its life time.
