Oskar Hairless Cat - Commissioned Portrait - Introduction

Do you remember Oskar? This regal, beautiful, Egyptian-like creature used to be the little wrinkly hairless kitten I painted over a year ago. His human mom would like another portrait of him now that he's fully grown. 

Here is Oskar as a little boy kitten...

and this is his painted portrait. 

We all change as we grow older, but
unlike humans, Oskar lost a few wrinkles with maturity. Lucky guy.
His grey markings are a little more defined, his ears changed size and shape, most likely due to his head growing bigger. As for his eyes, their colour changed to a softer paler shade of blue.

Cats' eyes are so reflective, they tend to change depending on the ambient light, but I get a sense that Oskar's eyes have changed to a shade of soft aqua/grey/blue. I will use tinted glaze at that point and work with his mom to get the colour just right.

Below are several more shots of Oskar.  
I very much enjoy seeing my subject in his everyday life. These shots show me different parts of his body and I get a real sense of his physiognomy. But I also see love and affection, warmth and care towards this fairly new member of the family. Wonderful.

As for the photo I'll be using for his portrait, you've probably guessed it from the opening shot.
I love his sweet expression looking up and how the natural light softly contours the top of his head and back. I will sketch him up in a 6" x 8" size and see how it turns out. 

Follow me on Oskar's new 'big boy portrait'.
